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A word from Courtney

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“Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!”  (Psalm 34:3)

Welcome! I am glad you stopped by. I would love nothing more than to be sitting across from you on my back porch, coffee mug in hand, instead of perched on opposite sides of a screen . . . but, for now, until we meet face-to-face, this will have to do!

You can find out more about me and my family on another page . . . but at the core, I am a woman deeply in love with Jesus. He has rescued me from myself and my sin, forgiven my rebellious heart more times than I have even asked, redeemed my wayward ways, and is in the process of restoring me into the woman he created me to be.

And I know I am not the only one! If we were sitting across from each other, you could tell me your story of his unwavering, faithful pursuit of you — maybe it is a pursuit you are just becoming aware of or maybe he has been pursuing you for decades. Either way, I would love to hear it. One of life's sweetest gifts is to hear and rejoice in God's goodness together.

One of my favorite verses for ministry is Psalm 34:3,
“Oh, magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together!”  I love it because David captures the joy of my heart — soaking in God’s Word together and, as we do, pouring out his praises, together.

So, whether it is through a screen or face-to-face, in this life or in glory, I look forward to hearing your story and, together, praising our good God.


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